
Aida at Oper im Steinbruch

NÖN: St. Pöltner

Leah Crocetto was particularly convincing, touchingly showing Aida's inner turmoil and masterfully bringing out the very quiet tones amidst all the pomp.

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Aida at Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Morning Herald

Leah Crocetto as Aida has a voice of enveloping power and warmth, sustaining the soliloquy of act one with colour and expressively moulded line, soaring magisterially over the chorus and orchestra in the triumphal march in act two.

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Attila at Teatro Petruzzelli de Bari

Opera Click

Soprano drammatico d’agilità come già Abigaille nel Nabucco, Odabella alterna momenti di alta drammaticità ad altri di più squisito lirismo. Un ruolo impervio che la possente voce del soprano californiano Leah Crocetto ha risolto con sicurezza nello svettante registro acuto, e ancor meglio nell’intensa carica espressiva con cui ha sapientemente cesellato “Oh! Nel fuggente nuvolo” e il duetto con Foresto, il suo appassionato ma debole amante.

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Verdi Requiem with the San Diego Symphony

San Diego Union-Tribune

Crocetto powerfully soared above the orchestra, chorus and her fellow soloists in the “Rex tremendae” section, and serenely sang the closing, hushed “Libera me.”

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Il Trovatore at Opera Australia

The Sydney Morning Herald

Leah Crocetto sings Leonora with sweetness and strength, moulding crescendos in her Act 1 cavatina Tacea la notte placida with masterly control.

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Mefistofele in Concert at Opera Australia

Classic Melbourne

As Margherita, Leah Crocetto looked resplendent in glittering pale teal and sounded much the same. She did project a tone of youthful innocence at the beginning of the first encounter with Faust, but her upper notes were far from girlish in their expansive power. Margherita’s Act 2 aria is probably the most familiar number in the opera and was sung with passion and the kind of soaring dynamic that can only be fully appreciated in the theatre. For all the wonder of certain fabulous high notes, sometimes smoother and more focused quieter moments were just as impressive.

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