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Notes from the Underground
“I was in rehearsals for Verdi’s Don Carlo at the Dallas Opera when we were canceled. [Mezzo soprano] Jamie Barton and I were at Whole Foods checking out our groceries. We literally left our groceries on the belt and the cashier was so lovely and told us not to worry about it. [Other cancellations were] Norma in Pittsburgh, Aida at Opera Australia in Sydney, Maometto II at Washington Concert Opera, several concerts and a recital.
I lost 3/4 of my salary. I had to leave my beautiful home in DC [and] I moved back to my home state of Michigan. My savings, which was to be a down payment on my first house, is now completely depleted. I began teaching Musical Theatre at my Alma Mater, Siena Heights University. It’s been wonderful working with the kids, but I sure miss the stage. In July, I performed a socially distanced Tosca that was quite a fulfilling experience. And I did a live streamed Kennedy Center Couch Concert. I’m itching to perform again.
My hopes for the future is that administrations and government would recognize the importance of what we contribute to the great landscape of the world. I hope we can once again raise our voices together and sing with purpose and love. Sing so our souls show, and so that the light music brings can pierce through the thick cloud of darkness that has set upon the world at this moment.”